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If you’re looking to work in New Zealand, the main categories you might qualify under are:


The Accredited Employer work visa allows the grant of work visas to non-New Zealand citizens or residents, who have an offer of employment to work in New Zealand for an INZ accredited employer.

If your offer of employment is not included on a skill shortage list your work visa will be labour market tested. So it will be depend largely on the availability of local workers. The employer must hold employer accreditation with INZ and submit a Job Check application to INZ first for approval to hire a migrant worker. Obviously the more highly skilled your job, the more likely you are to be successful. 


This is a open work visa issued once students graduate. It is a one-off visa, The validity of the visa is equal to the length of your course.

  • To qualify you must have studied a qualification at level 8 to 10 on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework full-time for at least 30 weeks in New Zealand; or

  • a degree qualification at level 7 on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework studied full-time for at least 30 weeks in New Zealand; or

  • a qualification at level 4 to 7 on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework that is specified on the list of Qualifications Eligible for a Post-Study Work Visa that has been studied full-time in New Zealand for the full duration required to obtain that qualification

Working Holiday Visa

Work visas for citizens of various countries which allow short-term work for a specific number of 18 - 30 year olds. The list of countries is expanding so it’s best to keep an eye on the INZ website to see if your country qualifies.

Partner of a NZ citizen or resident

If you live with an NZ citizen, resident, or work visa holder as a married or de facto couple and you can provide solid evidence of living together, you may apply for and be granted a work visa. This will either allow you to work for an accredited employer in a skilled job or be an open work visa so you can work for anybody. It is issued for either 12 months or 36 months, depending on how long you have lived with your NZ based partner.

For details of your individual circumstances please contact us for a personal assessment.